Sunday, March 3, 2013

Painting Flowers and Foliage Technique


All art stats  profess  that the most popular type of art paintings are images of foliage or flowers.

Whether it is watercolor flowers /foliage or acrylic, or oil.
Many collectors love and covet a flower/ foliage or painting or two.
Lately, there  also is an interest. big interest in small wrapped canvas of wild flowers and leaves.
So this says , maybe  an artist should have a work of 
flower or foliage painting to display and or sell to collectors.

A great collections or work sometimes consist of seasoned images, such as weather, of flowers and foliage.
Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall.
Really I love my foliage images ,because I like painting them in watercolor.
The watercolor images are drawn leaves on the 140 lb paper .
You can use a tracing pattern the type you buy at a craft store. 
Or go outside and pull a leaf out of a tree.
I just pick a certain leaf and free draw it on my paper.
Then I mask it out with rubber cement . An art supply that you can buy easily from Walmart .
I like using rubber cement because it leaves a texture , after I remove it with my finger or eraser, that helps creates the value in my leaves.
Then I pick out my color for my background and paint the background in blotches , dark and light. 
After this I drop  jewels into the wet paper. I use contrasting colors from the background.
A jewel is a watery load of color that you squeeze from your paint brush and let drop onto the paper and run where  ever. It is cool.

I suggest you as an artist , try painting foliage or flowers and try the jewel technique in your background. YOU MIGHT LIKE IT .

You can work with this and create  your own style with the jewel technique. Its always fun to experience and explore. And it will make you a better artist.
Give me feedback and tell me how it went. 
Also you are always welcome to  visit my website: and
have fun arting

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