Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Smart Selling Your ART Seasonallly

Hey artist, you know what:?

Sometimes our marketing is seasonal.

Have you ever noticed that you will sale more paintings from October to December.

Do yah think, it might be because of Christmas?

Well, there has been many of times that I have sold a painting and a buyer tell me ,this is a christmas  present for so- an-so.

So revelation !!!!!

Let's cash in on the seasonal marketing .

Say for instance, The next holiday is mothers day ,right?

What do mothers want?
Self Portraits, Old house paintings?

Grandchildren paintings?

Their favorite pet?

What I do is pick a couple of these topics and paint a series.
 Whether it is flowers ,pets , landscapes, etc.

You make the decision on what you think you can sell to people for this seasonal market of mothers day.

Include that in your sales pitch ,whether it be on your website or Facebook.
And make a gallery of  these paintings.

You can even include you market technique of a give-a- way.

 I am telling you ,if you just expose yourself online and even your work.

Believe it, or not I take my paintings to school and place them on my blackboard tray.

I have sold , so many paintings that way.

Also you can put them in the work room lounge. Ahah!

Do you have a hair dresser friend?

 A Friend that has a store, clothing, etc?

Ask them to let you display your art and sell it.

Also restaurants , Hang you paintings on the walls if your owner will let you.

Sounds good .
Well Another strategy. Don't forget the holidays .
We have two biggies coming up Mothers and Fathers Day.

 So let's get to work and sell some paintings? Good luck!!
And don't be afraid .

The only thing some one can say is not at this time, or no, not interested.

But what did mother always say, their are more fish in the sea.

So remember there are more customers in the world or life .

Go get them!!!!

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