Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Staying the course with your ARt Career

This is the last four days of school. I had to pack everything up in my ( what I call ) my public art Studio, because they will be washing the walls and waxing the tile floor. Whew. I am just glad it is them and not me.

I have been lucky to have a 29 year career teaching art  and a part time career selling art. I fully admire the full time artist that sell art by purely commission and make a living from their sells.

But as you know their is a system to being successful in selling art and  making enough money to live from art sells. These are called career goals.

One goal  is: to make goals.
I always refer to  a list of goals I have made in the beginning of this year.
Some goals on my list have not been done yet ,and here it is almost June. But I keep carrying on and staying the course.

I am lucky in the fact that , because I have been so busy with classes and painting graduation gifts of school mascots,  and selling  on my web site,that I have not completed some goals on my list.

But that means that I have also been making money which is one of my biggest goals.

Another goal is to get exposed.
Working on my social media and the internet has really been a learning experience. 

Reading all post on how to sell and how to market my art form places like, and other places has taken some of my time.

I suggest that you also do this and read whatever you can find.

Also blogging, which I love and I hope you love it too, is time.

Another goal was to get exposed locally. I have also been working on this.

 One way is to produce art work for an up coming art fair with a booth .

Donate a piece of art to a fundraising exhibit. Which I have donated to a cause fundraiser, with one of my art pieces.

 And enter a local art juried show. It doesn't matter if you win or not ,you are  exposed and some people will not understand the judges picks any way. hah!

My Next goal is to produce a work of  paintings, about 25, and to either get into a gallery or exhibit at  local and state museums.

This will always bring people to you and a great source of exposure and income. 

So , I am going to carry on and stay the course. And you should also.

You do not have to be a Rembrandt or a Picasso . All you have to be is yourself and market your art.

I will always remember this quote from Picasso:

My mother told me that if I choose to go into the military I would be a great General someday.

She also said if  I choose to be  an Engineer I would someday be a famous Architect,

But Instead I choose to be Picasso.

Enough said!!!

So, stay the course and carry on . Make that skin thick and don't give up. Learn all you can on marketing and painting.
People will love you and your work and that is what sells.

Good luck,  good painting. Belinda

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