Monday, April 10, 2017

Becoming an Artist Again!

For the past few years it has been very hard to blog and produce my art paintings.

 My husband has been very sick the last two years and in the year of 2015 he was in ICU for over six months .

He is the love of my life so my choice was to put my love of my art and art business on hold ,until he got well.

  He is still not in the best of health but I am trying to schedule my art around his health issues .

I have left my regular job as a teacher and will care for him ,as well as produce my passion .

Yes , art is my passion . I cannot live without it and it is what I call me .

My art is what makes me who I am . It creates the way I talk , walk , think, see things and it is everything to me .

My life , my passion , my being.

It will take time to get back to my level of creativity and work. But I am willing to go the course.

Getting back into the groove of painting and creating will take time and work.

So ,if you are like me either returning are beginning an art journey come share my journey.

My anxiety is high but I know I have to do this . For myself , my mental health and my physical  health.

So , if you are a passionate artist , or a beginning  artist , join me in getting to or back into the art grove.

No matter, what your level beginner, or advance do it .

You deserve this for yourself .

And it makes you a better person to yourself and friends and family .

Just some examples of my past work.

Join me in my next blog on my steps to getting back to my passion . Or for some of you getting to your passion.

          you can find my art at:

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