Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Being an Artist at Any Age!!!

How is everybody doing? And what goals have you set for

yourself these days? Oh yeah, you know the ones that state : I am going to be an artist some day. I am going to learn to play the Piano

 some day? I am going to do this someday?

Well , Whether you are thirteen, Twenty, Thirty, Forty, Fifty or Sixty you can still set a goal to be something, what ever you desire.

Especially an artist.

Googling, and cyber searching is an amazing tool for how to be anything.

You can google just about anything and find out how to become
What ever.

Many people social media just on this subject.

Everyone wants to talk about how to do whatever.

So I am going to talk about being an artist.

You can make money at being an artist and you can become an artist at any age as long as you understand the sequence of events to this goal.

Once you sit down and just really think about this  you can accomplish being an artist.

One step you start with is deciding what type of artist you want to

A Multi media artist, a watercolor artist, a craft artist, an acrylic artist, and there are  many more.

Make a flow chart. Place at the top what type of artist you want to be.

Make steps to become this artist.

Search for steps to painting techniques or crafting techniques.

 Find an artist style you like and practice this style through your paintings.

You could go so far as to paint some of that artist paintings.
They won't be the exact image because you will end up creating your own technique.

When you think you are good enough, join a website that will sell your art by  prints.

Learn how to advertise your self online and off.

Search marketing strategies and make goals.

Give it time! Your artist career or just becoming an artist will take time.

We are not Bewitched where we can wiggle our nose and become great in a day, week etc.

And never , ever , never, get depressed about your style or your art.

If you are not happy with your paintng and your want to change your style, practice, studying , and work on this as your goal.

So, the most important thing to do is to start.

Make your art.
Set a goal.
Make a flow chart  on how to get to where you want to go.
Learn, Learn, Learn.
And never give up or get discourageded
It will happen.

Good luck !

Tomorrow I will begin a blog on painting a seascape.

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